Musings from Lythos

I'm an old hand of the internet, for better or worse, but I've always kind of despised social media. I barely tolerate twitter, and stuff like Instagram or TikTok aren't my speed, so I regret to inform you that I spend most of my time on dead, gay internet forums. I've mostly called Something Awful home for the last 15 or so years, primarily the LP subforum where I've done lots of work off and on throughout the years. You can find my video content at my channel, and even more on the LP Archive if you were so inclined.

Things I like

Surprisingly, I'm not very big on anime and basically only watch a tiny handful of stuff. I love sci-fi, especially sci-fi books, but I don't read nearly as much as I used to (or should, for that matter, but that's a different conversation). I do play a lot of visual novels, though. That's sort of the same thing, right?

Other places you can find me